Welcome to Pack 181's website. My name is Jeanne Roe and I am currently the Advancement chair on the committee. My responsibilities include:
The advancement chair helps boys move through the ranks of Cub Scouting and transition into a Boy Scout troop. The advancement chair will:
- Have a working knowledge of the Cub Scout advancement plan.
- Help plan and conduct induction and advancement recognition ceremonies, coordinating as needed with the Webelos den leader or Scoutmaster.
- Educate parents, guardians, and pack committee members in ways to stimulate Cub Scout advancement.
- Promote the use of Cub Scout den advancement charts and other tools to recognize and record advancement in the den.
- Collect den advancement reports at pack leaders’ meetings for use when ordering badges and insignia from the local council service center.
- Promote Boys' Life magazine as an aid to advancement.
- Help build or obtain advancement equipment for use in making advancement ceremonies more effective.
- Promote the wearing and proper use of uniform and insignia.
Beginning June 1, 2015 the Cub Scout program was completely redone. The link below will open a power point presentation to explain all the exciting changes. We are really looking forward to a year filled with adventures and advancements in ranks! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.